Comet Cupboard

Erupting Flavors with Comet Magic


The Comet Cupboard is a free food pantry initiative at UT Dallas dedicated to helping students in need. Its primary mission is to provide necessary food and personal care items to members of the UT Dallas community while acting as a service-learning component prioritizing community over individualism.

Located in room MC 1.608, in the Eugene McDermott Library basement.

200% increase

From Students Served From Fall 2020


Items Distributed


Items Received

15% users

First-Time Users

Over 12,000 students served


Over 300 volunteers/year


A brand new way to interact with the comet cupboard.

We are striving to improve the resources and the experience of using the comet cupboard one feature at a time.

New Interative Recipes page

A better way to pick what to eat. Choose healthier and higher value foods that you can combine with what you have at home to cook up food that lasts.

Events page

Keep up with all the events that are happening relating to the Comet Cupboard.

Growing and creating your own your own food.

Have all the resources that the Comet Cupboard provides when it comes to learning about growing and eating natural and healthy foods in one place.
comet cupboard staff

Food shouldn't be a concern as a student

As a community we strive to give everyone the things that they need and should receive. Don't let hunger stop you from succeding.